Thursday, December 6, 2007

Grey Matter

Despite its diminutive scale, Galvan is one of the most scientifically advanced worlds in the galaxy. Miniature skyscrapers and ultra-fast causeways litter the landscape, leaving little room for nature. First kept as pets and then employed by other species as industrial technicians, spies and saboteurs, Galvans were smart enough to keep the best secrets for themselves, eventually amassing enough knowledge to build a powerful empire of their own. A chaotic world of intrigue and innovation, the coldly technocratic inhabitants of Galvan Prime work tirelessly and consume massive resources to keep an ever-tightening grip over their former masters.

Species: Galvan

The typical Galvan is five inches tall, with soft and flexible bones that allow them to squeeze into tight spaces or spring quickly from danger. And while their slimy skin allows Galvans to stick to almost surface, it also makes them equally difficult to grab hold of. Known for evasion rather than confrontation and lacking any real combat prowess, Galvans have developed intellectual capacities far beyond those of neighboring species. Incessant collectors of all things technological, they are raised to enter complex machines and operate them from the inside. Despite all of their advanced science, Galvans must remain ever vigilant because in a dangerous galaxy, size still matters and Galvans are easily trampled underfoot.


Of all the homeworlds in the galaxy, Pyros is unique in that it is actually a fully functioning sun. Pyros is a wide-open landscape of endless natural wonders: Infernal plumes erupt miles into the atmosphere, and raging rivers of molten lava cut massive swaths across the fire-filled tundra. Magma based, all of its inhabitants are composed of a flame-like energy. Drawing strength and nourishment from an almost limitless power source, this world's inhabitants are in need of little else.

Species: Pyronite

Because of the extreme heat of their world, Pyronites have had scant contact with other alien species. With little to distract them, their lives are spent perfecting an almost magical power over their surroundings. They are masters of fire, from which they can wield amazing results. Pyronites can fashion fire from their hands and mouths into many forms, which can be projected or hurled upon their enemies. Naturally convective, Pyronites can also absorb both flames and heat, making them able to put out a fire as easily as they might start one. The beings of this world do not respond well to water or other fire retardants. While small amounts might simply turn to steam, large bodies of water can extinguish a Pyronite - permanently.


The water world of Piscciss is one of extreme danger. Thousands of exotic species live in a vast anarchic ocean of eat or be eaten. While most Pisccians live in schools because of the safety in numbers, there is still little feeling among these cold-blooded kinfolk. A world of strong currents and highly stratified environments, the deeper one dives on Piscciss, the darker and more dangerous it becomes.
Species: Piscciss Volanns
While the Volanns are not the biggest fish in the Pisccian sea, they are definitely the most hazardous. A monstrous hybrid of alligator, eel and leech, Volanns are incredible swimmers who are amazingly fast and agile in the water. A Volanns' huge mouth filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth can chomp through almost anything. Their lower jaw unhinges, enabling them to grip large objects with the strength on an industrial-sized vise. Sinewy and covered in slimy scales, Volanns use their claw-tipped fins to fight in a unique "zero gravity" style that makes them masters of aquatic combat. They can dive deep to the ocean’s floor, easily withstanding the crushing pressure while continuing to breathe through their gills. For all their skill in the water, Piscciss Volanns are unable to walk and are basically useless above the waves. Volanns must keep their gills wet or they'll dehydrate rapidly, which can actually result in their drowning on dry land.


With its advanced and highly specialized ecosystem, Lepidopterra is a generally peaceful swamp planet whose numerous species live among a fantastic variety of giant plants. Residing in a complex of giant hives each ruled by its own queen, Lepidopterrans are the predominant inhabitants of their planet. Life on this planet is seasonal, and every species does its part to make sure the flora continues to produce its fruit so that all can live together in harmony as they have for countless eons.

Species: Lepidopterran

Lepidopterrans are an intelligent insectoid race that in many ways resemble an enormous
stinkfly. With their transparent wings, ultra-sensitive antennae and sturdy exoskeletons Lepidopterrans explore vast territories, collecting plant pollens for harvest. Depending on the plant, a Lepidopterran is capable of creating a wide array of goos and gasses with a range of potent effects. Everything from an ultra-thick immobilizing jelly to a potent stinging spray can be manufactured in their pollen ducts. Lepidopterrans are extremely acrobatic flyers and able to pull off amazing maneuvers of precision and grace. While designed mainly for grappling, the hard spikes on their forearms also make a valuable weapon in battle. Like most earth insects, Lepidopterrans are extremely vulnerable to any kind of chemical poison or gas. Although their exoskeleton bodies remain fairly rugged, Lepidopterran wings are extremely fragile and easy to damage, so they must remain in constant motion or risk being grounded ... for life.


Originally an uninhabited moon orbiting Galvan Prime, Galvan B was accidentally brought to life by an environmental disaster. Galvan scientists mining the resource-rich world for its raw materials misused an experimental self-replicating nanotechnology, which bonded with the moon's minerals and imbued the fertile ground with sentient consciousness. Though Galvan B seems to have reverted to its natural state, subtle surface ripples and the occasional metallic glint say otherwise. Any alien presence on the moon is sure to be consumed and quickly disappears.

Species: Glavanic Mechomorphs

A result of environmental engineering gone awry, Galvanic Mechomorphs are an entirely new and unique species in the galaxy. These amorphous biomechanical beings are living machines with liquid metallic skin and complex systems of self-forming organic circuits. Due to the "nanites" that makes up the core of their biology, Mechomorphs are able to merge with any technology and "upgrade" it into an incredible piece of ultra-tech. In this merged form, Mechomorphs can literally bring anything - from a toaster to a satellite - to life. Spreading over a machine like a fluid blanket of mercury, they are able to communicate with the apparatus, vastly increasing its functions. While Mechomorphs are masters of the mechanical, their powers are useless on living creatures. Sentient science kits, there is nothing artificial about them - even the plasma beams they produce come from a series of complex internal machinations. Being highly sensitive, finely tuned beings, electromagnetic pulses, acid or any other sort of corrosive can upset their delicate chemistry and wreak havoc on a Mechomorp's systems.


A pitch black planet at the galaxy's edge, Vulpin has long served as a dumping ground for hazardous materials far too dangerous for other worlds. The little that was once natural here long ago became corrupted by dangerous outside influences. Part penal colony, part toxic waste dump, whatever life that does survive here among the subzero temperatures and the poisoned forests must learn to adapt to the harshest of climates.

Species: Vulpimancer

One of the few creatures to survive on this barren sphere is the Vulpimancer - a bizarre and beastly creature that is far more animal than humanoid. Bred for the hunt, Vulpimancers propel themselves through all sorts of terrain with the aid of two long powerful apelike arms. Vulpimancers have incredible athletic ability and heightened senses of smell, hearing and taste. And while they have no eyes, porcupine-like quills serve both as weapons and finely tuned sense receptors that can "see" in ways most other creatures can-t. Super-adept, Vulpimancers can use their quills to detect the slightest movement, heat signatures and some even say even fear. Once prey is located, the quills on their backs can be fired off like projectiles, or the Vulpimancer can roll itself into a kind of spiked ball to attack its enemies. Having no eyes means that some enemies can get the drop on them fairly easily. Constantly on edge, Vulpimancers must be ready to fight because they have no way of communicating verbally - just snarls and growls - only adding to the danger of "blind" situations.


A world of violent electrical storms rapidly orbiting the sun, everything on Kinet is accelerated. Days are compressed into minutes and lifetimes are spread over weeks. Due to the ever-changing nature of their environment, Kinetan society is forever in flux. Although the inhabitants remain constant in their highly charged hyperactive nature, it is said, like lightning, that no return visitor to this world ever experiences the same place twice.

Species: Kineceleran

Elfin in appearance, with long hair, blue skin, pointed ears and oversized feet, Kinecelerans live their lives in a constant rush. No sooner are they born than they rapidly approach adulthood with little time to stop and ponder the consequences. Gangly and naturally awkward, Kinecelerans are speedsters, able to reach speeds of more than 500 Earth miles per hour. This extreme speed comes from manipulating friction, making them able to run up sheer walls and create huge stores of static electricity that can be re-directed, often with devastating results. While Kinecelerans can run fast, they're certainly not warriors. They are not built for battle nor do they have the disposition to stop and strategize. Kinecelerans often must learn from mistakes such as the fact that they can't run on non-solid ground like mud, ice and especially water (which causes a major shock from the static buildup). At the height of their velocity the most adept Kinecelerans are able to enter the mythical "speed zone", an entirely different temporal dimension where the rest of the world stops and reality takes on different rules. The biggest threats to Kinecelerans are magnets and charged pulses, which can completely throw them off course, causing them to lose footing and spin perilously out of control.